

Being Christian

In this day and age, the term "Christian" brings about many negative emotions and thoughts.

Christians are generally viewed as "overzealous religious nuts" who look down on others because they think they are better than others.

But can we blame them?

The only reason why we are getting such negative responses is because of our own fault. Our own false witnessing, our own holier-than-thou attitudes have gotten ourselves into this mess.

Do not blame the media, do not blame the people. They are as human as you or I are. And some, even more so.

As true Christians, ask yourselves, "Have I done anything that is right in the eyes of God? Have I done right as a witness, as a follower of Christ?"

Or even, "Have I done right, even as a human person?"

I tell you, Jesus Christ did not come down to be tortured, beaten and crucified just so WE can stand on our brother's and sister's heads.

He did not come to die for us, just so that we can demean and mock the non-believers.

Mar 2:17 "Jesus heard them and answered, "People who are well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick. I have not come to call respectable people, but outcasts." (GNB version, italics and bold added.)

If we are to call ourselves Christians (Christ-Like) we must start -not- by changing the world around us, but by changing ourselves.

In some ways, in many ways, we are the ones who need to receive salvation once again. Only when we have received the full understanding of what it means to be saved, can we witness to the others, only when we ourselves have become truly Christian can we be Christ-like.



There are many times in one's life, where we fail to act, fail to take the right step.
There are often times where we regret decisions we have made, and actions that were taken.
Many a time, we hang on to that thread of blame. We carry that burden around with us, gladly carrying the guilt wherever it wishes to go.

When those times come, would we be strong enough to forgive ourselves?
Would we forgive those who hurt us?
Should we forgive ourselves for mistakes made?

If you should ask, "Why must I forgive others? Why must I forgive myself?"

The simple truth is, we must forgive ourselves to forgive others.
In the same way, we forgive others to forgive ourselves.
Because once we are forgiven, we can start anew. A new page in our chapter of life.

Forgiveness is not purposefully ignoring. That, is ignorance.
Forgiveness is saying: "I know you screwed up, but it's okay, I still care, let's get through this."

As Jesus says in Mark 11:25:

"...And when you stand and pray, forgive anything you may have against anyone, so that your Father in heaven will forgive the wrongs you have done."

 As much as we need to forgive others. We must also learn to forgive ourselves, only then can we move on in life. Guilt and shame are anchors that chain us to the spot, barring us from moving forward. Refuse to hang on to them, because I tell you, it is not the Guilt or Shame that hold on to you. It is you who hold on to them. It is a choice that only you can make and no one else.



Sometimes we ask ourselves, does God really answer our prayers? Does He really hear us? Does He care?
Or sometimes, we say "I've prayed and prayed for the last 10 years and nothing has happened!"

But the truth is, He does answer your prayers. The key factor here is our position before Him.
Our position before Him affects how fast we receive the blessing, the fruit of that prayer. And in some cases, whether we receive the blessings at all!

I tell you truthfully, the Father does answer our prayers. But the question we should ask ourselves is this,

"What have I done to activate the blessing of that prayer?"
"Have I placed myself in a position to receive?"
"Have I obeyed Him?"

Positioning, it is important in every factor, in every kind of game. The principle applies in the Father's kingdom as well.

Think about baseball, there's the batter and the pitcher. If the batter is out of position, would he be able to "receive" the ball? Of course not!

But how would you know how to position yourself to receive His blessings for you?

Cry out to Him, ask him to teach you, to show you.
Above all, be honest with Him. Believe me when I say, He knows when you cannot do something. He knows when you're frustrated, He knows when you're in despair. He wants you to take His hand and arise above these things. But to do that, you must learn to obey Him.

Position yourself to receive and you -will- receive, because:

"...Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For those who ask will receive, and those who seek will find, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks."
Luke 11:9-10