

Unconditional Love, Who is this God person?!

There's just so much to say, it's nearly impossible to address every issue at a time.

"Pick one!" you would say.

"I'd love to," I'd reply ,"but everything I speak about intertwines with everything else."

Ah, how I wish my thoughts would arrange themselves on paper on it's own accord.

Now, I've had people ask me before, "Can you hear God?"

I've learned not to start laughing like a madman before replying, so here's my answer.

"Being Christian gives us a direct phone line to God Himself. Even Jesus had that, why wouldn't we?"

Now, with that settled; onwards!

Unconditional Love

People in this day and age have forgotten what family is.
Family isn't about taking your children out to lunch or dinner.
It isn't about meeting each other for the sake of it.
It's not about favors, it's not about dependency.

A family, is a force.
It is something that binds people together.
A true family shares with each other, understands each other, and chooses to overlook, not ignore; each others weaknesses.
A family stands together only when each member of the family chooses, consciously, to stand for each other, no matter what happens.

That, is an example of  unconditional love.

That love is only achieved by one method.

Growing close to God.
By understanding how much He loves you, in spite of your weaknesses, in spite of you screwing up, your embarrassment, your weaknesses!

I've had people say, "But God hates sin!"

"Very true!" I'd exclaim, "But you are not a sin. You're a human person, are you not?"

Let me make it clear once again:
God hates SIN.
But you are NOT sin.
You are his beloved son (or daughter). He loves you unconditionally.
Without condition. Regardless of your state.

You feel weak, you feel useless.
You feel that nobody cares for you.
You even feel that there's no God there.
You feel that your life is empty, and you're waiting for something to fill that emptiness.
You're hoping to find something, someone to love.

There's hope for you, friend.
God cares, He loves you, He -is- there.
Yes, all the situations in your life are telling you that He doesn't exist at all.
Yes, your anger and frustration is telling you that it's impossible.
Yes, you feel weak, you feel useless! Broken! Pathetic!

But listen well!

He is there. He is listening to your cry, He is aiding you.
If you really want proof, I ask you now, find the time, when you are alone, I don't care where, and I'm sure as God is real that -He- doesn't care where you do it.

Get down on your knees, lie down, or bury your face in your pillow; but cry out to Him.

If you want proof, ASK Him for the proof.
Ask him to SHOW you the proof.
Ask him to let you SEE the proof.

But be aware, friends; when you pray like that, and when proof is shown, no matter how "insignificant" it seems. Do not disregard it. He will be faithful, for the children he loves.

"Aren't -you- supposed to be the one convincing us that God is real?" you might say.

No, I'm sure that He's real enough to answer you Himself, if you ask.      : )


Bite sized - Marriage

I've had many people ask me if I've had a girlfriend yet, and almost always, I reply with these exact words,
"I'm not looking for a woman in my life just yet, if I'm unstable, I cannot support her. I must stabilize myself, first, before I choose to find my future partner, who is for life."

Getting a girlfriend is -not- status and it is -not- maturity.

Choosing the right one, and knowing when you are ready for a relationship is the true mark of maturity.

We must remember, that breaking hearts, isn't as easy as forgive and forget.

Oh, it looks so nice in the movies, but that's where movies and reality come apart.

Heartbreak rarely heals on it's own. Something happens that reminds someone of that special somebody some time ago, brings back painful memories that they'd thought gone. It's there, like a wound that's hidden beneath the gauze, ignored, not forgotten.

The relationship between a man and a woman, how ready both parties are and how willing both parties are to support and aid each other decides the next step in their relationship.

Many times people rush headlong into relationship with the simple mentality of "it feels good when we touch" or "she must be the one" or "there was instant chemistry".

Those things are fleeting, and will not last. I do not denounce that two people cant end up loving each other since they first met, but it is rarely the case.

Anyone can marry anyone. But it's whether both parties would, in love; stand for each other that decides how far their relationship will go.

A husband and a wife are a pair, who chose to come together, to support each other, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.

So how come the divorce rates are so high?


Most people weren't ready for that level.

In a game, you can't play level 100 if you don't play level 1 - 99. The same goes for relationships.

-IF- you cant handle your emotions, how can you expect to deal with another person's?

If you cant even stand fast for your principles, how can you expect to defend your partner's principles?

If you cant be responsible for yourself, how then, are you going to support your partner?

Love, isn't just the warm feeling you get.

Love is also the joy of sharing each others' presence.
The joy of sharing life together, the joy of sharing time with each other.

For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.

So, if you were to ask, where does God fit in all this?

I can tell you, for sure; without a doubt, that He needs to be present in -every- area, and in -every- moment.

No marriage is perfect, and your life will -NOT- be all shiny and happy for all eternity.

If you are going to get married for that reason, stop right now. That's not the way.

There will be storms, the boat will be tossed around.

It is up to both parties to hold the fort. Both parties to stand strong together, in love and in faith.

In joy, in sorrow
In sickness, in health
In chaos, in peace
In love, remember
You are not alone.