

A letter to oneself - Part II

Dear ______,

               The pressure of keeping peace is something that you cannot handle with your own strength. You know how to cry out to the Father, you know how to seek Him, and yet, you refuse to. Is it because you are afraid? Or, is it really because you're comfortable with knowing only this?

               I see that you are frustrated, angry, and even distressed - how long will you hold on to these "familiar" emotions? How long will you let them rule you? Will you let your anger rule you? Your distress? Your frustration? Will you let these things be the driving force of your life? Perhaps you can justify these emotions, but even you know that holding on to these things will only slow down your progress forward.

              Yes, it seems that life isn't moving the way you want it to be, obstacles seem to throw themselves at you from all angles, but is this reason to give up? In your war against the enemy, he seeks to inspire fear, frustration, and a sense of "let's give up and go home". Laying down and constantly devoting your time towards his principles instead of the Father's principles, will only drive you further into the mud.

            You are confused, torn between the principles of the world, and the principles of the Kingdom. But the time has come for you to make a choice, a stand. Will you stand for the Kingdom? Or will you go back to whom you once were?

           Brother, do not subject yourself to torture. Do not torture yourself with thoughts of retribution. Every moment you spend dwelling on the negative, is a step back to where you began. Rise up! You are not alone. For "He who is in you, is greater than he that is in the world". Do not cling on to your distress. Rise above it! You are a conqueror, not a slave. The situation around you must not control you. You, control it.

         Do not give up hope! The prayers of many go with you. Stand firm, the Lord's blessing is at hand. Do not despair! Rise above the circumstances and take your place as a child of the most high God.


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