


Distractions are a common thing. They are so common that you'd forget they were even there! These things pull you away from what is important, they coax you to slow down, relax, and lull you into a sense of false peace and security.

In this same respect, Distractions are what keeps you from growing in Faith, in growing in belief. And in growing - in general. They keep you occupied, drawing your focus away from what is important, feeding you with unimportant duties and false ideals.

Let's say you went to seek God. You sat before Him in silence, trying to listen for His voice, you've already called out to Him and now you are waiting for His answer.

Suddenly! A wild lizard appears! And your mind starts to wander, it starts slow, first flitting from thought to thought, then you begin to feel agitation build within you. Suddenly you feel that you can't sit still any longer and before you know it, your mind is elsewhere, planning what to do for dinner, planning your day ahead; thinking about football...

Time spent in God has just become time spent in yourself.

How are we, as a people, to focus on what is important, to focus on the right things, if we are so easily distracted?

How is it that we can focus so wonderfully on the Distractions, and yet lose focus so quickly when we're seeking God?

Can Distractions bring you peace? Can Distractions feed your spirit? Can Distractions, bring you closer to God? Can Distractions feed you? Can Distractions sustain your life? Can Distractions give you eyes to see, ears to hear?

If Distractions can do these things, then even I would recommend that we worship this thing called Distraction.

To grow closer to God, and to receive EVERYTHING that He has promised to us,we need to first learn how to focus on Him. To get to know Him personally. We need to get there. And these distractions? They're not helping. They're just burdens that weigh us down, holding us back, slowing us down from what is really important.

If the lives of a thousand people hang in the balance. Surely you'll empty your mind of all distractions!

It is because we think that we DONT need Him, that we allow ourselves to be so easily distracted. We do not consider Him to be of any importance.

Note that I said "we allow". And truly, we do allow ourselves to be distracted. It is an ALLOWANCE. It is a choice that we have to make.

If you truly desire to seek God, then you will know that these things are just hindrances. If you want to receive the full blessings from the Father, the fullness of real Joy from the Father, then you need to get to Him. Cry out, seek His face and you will find. And as you sit before Him, seeking his face, ask Him to teach you how to not be distracted, how to focus on the things that matter, and not the things that seek to slow you down.

  "They arrived at Jairus' house, where Jesus saw the confusion and heard all the loud crying and wailing.   He went in and said to them, "Why all this confusion? Why are you crying? The child is not dead---she is only sleeping!"  
They started making fun of him, so he put them all out, took the child's father and mother and his three disciples, and went into the room where the child was lying.
  He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha, koum," which means, "Little girl, I tell you to get up!" 
  She got up at once and started walking around. (She was twelve years old.) When this happened, they were completely amazed. "
Mark 5:38-5:42


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