

Wings of Change

Change is difficult. Change is nasty at it's worst, and heavenly at it's best. But more often than not, nobody wants to change. Most people are forced to change, or move into change - in desperation.

Ever looked at a situation in your life and went, "Oh, I wish that person would change.. if he doesn't change, I'm not going to bother!" or maybe you'd go "This person MUST change, I'll do everything in my power to change him!"

Never really works out well does it? You either fall into apathy, or fall into the "I am god, so I will change this person" trap.

WE don't change people. We CANT change people. But GOD can and is able to.
The only problem is that we, as people like to resist the changes that He makes. And because of the free will that He has given us, He let's us make the choice, even if He knows we'll end up destroying ourselves.

See, the problem here isn't so much of God being unable to change people, it's more of the fact that WE resist the changes. We force changes where none was necessary and resist change where it is necessary.

A liar will lie, force him to change, and he will resist with all his might, because lying is what gets him around!

Until a person is convicted (convinced) he will not change. Change isn't just about the external. What's most important is in the inside. If you have a change of HEART. Everything on the physical level, WILL follow.

IF you change the physical but leave everything on the inside dusty and broken and abandoned, you are just living another lie.

So how does one change? I find it easier to go to God, seek His help. He is the only one who is able to help you renovate the house of your heart. He is the ONLY one who can see what you're going through, tear for tear, blood for blood, shame for shame. Nobody else can step in your shoes and FEEL it as He does.

Doesn't it make sense that the only one capable of helping you get out of your personal Hell is the one who can deliver you into a personal Heaven?

Again, as everything in His kingdom goes, the most important thing is to go to God. Find Him, seek Him, cry out to Him. He will answer you.

May you grow in the strength of the Lord. His light will shine your path. You will receive the fullness of His mercy, love, compassion and joy. If only you choose.

Understand this, doing right before the Lord, doesn't make you a fool. It doesn't make you less than everyone else. Let's put it this way, if you please a King, do you think that he wont grant you his blessings? The king will lavish grand things upon you. Because he is pleased with you.

The same goes for God. The only difference is, He already loves you! How much MORE will He do, the creator of EVERYTHING - what more will He do, when He is pleased with you?

 "Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God---what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect."
-Romans 12:2-


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