

A Letter - On how to receive your blessings

Dear ________,

         There are many times that we ask of things that are seemingly in line with what He wills us to have - it is often during those times that He seems the most distant. I often wondered if it was a sign that He was reluctant to bless us.

         Now though, I realize, that often when we ask for something, the first thing he ALWAYS does is to test us. To see if we are ready to receive such things. If you were to ask for Faith, He most certainly will grant you faith! It's also certain that He will temper you, and test you - and often times, it is true this period of testing and tempering that you will gain that faith.

        See, the Father will ALWAYS answer your prayers, it's not a question. It's a statement. Does that mean you can pray that the moon will blow up and it will happen? No! He's a benevolent God, but he is definitely not stupid! If a man who is manipulative, asks the Father for wisdom, do you think God will grant him wisdom? Surely he will! But only after humbling that manipulative man, and then testing him over a period of time, forming and shaping him; changing his evil ways.

       Often times when people pray, they don't see the ending clause. God -will- bless you, He -will- answer your prayers, but only -IF- you obey. Why obey? Simple. Positioning. Even in the spiritual, we need to position ourselves to receive the full measure of blessing that the Lord has in store for us.

      If I say "I've dropped a supply crate 100km northeast of your position," the only way for YOU to get those supplies, is to walk 100km northeast and take it! If you don't obey, then anyone else who happens to stumble across that supply crate will happily take it for themselves and you become none the wiser!

     Metaphors aside, it's the same with blessings. Okay, so your prayer may go something like, "Lord, help me be a more loving, compassionate and  wiser person" and God may tell you "Okay, I want you to talk to that woman by the roadside and listen to what she has to say, and you will receive that wisdom." It then becomes our choice to believe what He tells us to do and do it, or not. The effect of which, is to receive the fruits of his blessing, or not.

     It's really difficult to give an exact idea on -how- to receive your blessings; especially blessings that He promised you (whether He really did do that is a different matter altogether). All I can tell you for sure is this:

     Obey and have faith. Even when you do not see, obey and have faith. The MORE you do not see, the MORE you must obey and have faith. If you lack the strength to do what is right, then seek Him more. If you lack the faith to see it through, seek Him more! For He WILL restore your strength. Put your trust in Him.

 "But those who trust in the LORD for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak. "
Isaiah 40:31 (GNB)

"Jesus said to him, "Is it because you have seen me that you have believed? How blessed are those who have never seen me and yet have believed! "
John 20:29 ISV (International Standard Version)


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