

A letter to Believers

Dear ______,

How many of us claim to know who God is, and yet fail to represent Him? "Be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect" - Impossible? No. Not for Him. He knows that you CANT do it, and that's why He sent the Holy Spirit down to aid us!

So why isn't every church, every pulpit, every soul, burning with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, endurance and forbearance? The difference, dear friends is our choice. Do we choose to follow His ways, and in turn, be made whole? Or do we choose to hang on to our way of life, and wonder why we feel so hurt, alone and broken all the time?

I've had -so- many people come up to me and say "I tried God, it doesn't work." To be entirely honest, it's not that "God doesn't work" it's that we DIDN'T choose Him in the first place. Most of us, just want what -we- want. We have NO interest in what He wants for us because we think that all He wants of us, is to suffer! And it is to this belief we hold on to with our dear lives. No wonder it didn't work out well! We already believed that it WONT work and that we'd have to suffer through our lives!

Well, I'm sorry to break this to you, but the God I know of, is a God of blessing, of the Living. Not of Curses and Death. You want to take part in Curses and Death? That kingdom is that-a-way.

Stop believing that God is here to serve YOU. He's not. Stop worshiping other gods! Oh, you're not? Then, take that car that you treasure so much and sell it off, then ask the Lord where He wants you to put the money. Go, build a church, a shelter for orphans, dedicate your life to serving the Lord and I guarantee He will take care of you, and that you will be filled with much joy!

Sounds easy? How many of will survive two months - no, two weeks doing those things? A vast majority of us will not (note I said will not) sacrifice the life that we have, the "I am God over my life because I can control the outcome of this and that".

Believers, you who profess and claim that you will serve the Lord 100% - Allow Him first, to remove the log that is in your eye. Allow Him to chastise you, to form you, allow Him to be Lord over your life. Only THEN can you seek to help others. Do not even THINK of helping others out there when your own life is in chaos - you are running away from your reality, the people you are "helping" become your escape.

Remember, remember! God is NOT a vending machine. You don't put in a prayer and expect things to go your way. The Lord has plans for you, plans of prosperity, not of woe! But often, we want things to go OUR way. We are selfish. We act like children, throwing tantrums, turning our backs on the Father because we didn't get what WE wanted. Be aware!

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. "

Mat 6:33


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